Manual of PATENT EXAMINING PROCEDUREOriginal Eighth Edition
August 2001
Latest Revision
August 2012

United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Additions to the text of the Manual are indicated by arrows (><) inserted in the text. Deletions are indicated by a single asterisk (*) where a single word was deleted and by two asterisks (**) where more than one word was deleted. The use of three or five asterisks in the body of the laws, rules, treaties, and administrative instructions indicates a portion of the law, rule, treaty, or administrative instruction which was not reproduced.
First Edition | November 1949 |
Second Edition | November 1953 |
Third Edition | November 1961 |
Fourth Edition | June 1979 |
Fifth Edition | August 1983 |
Sixth Edition | January 1995 |
Seventh Edition | July 1998 |
Eighth Edition | August 2001 |
Revision 1 | February 2003 |
Revision 2 | May 2004 |
Revision 3 | August 2005 |
Revision 4 | October 2005 |
Revision 5 | August 2006 |
Revision 6 | September 2007 |
Revision 7 | July 2008 |
Revision 8 | July 2010 |
Revision 9 | August 2012 |