206.02 Application Claiming Priority under §44(d) or §67
When an applicant is entitled to priority based on a foreign application, the effective filing date is the date on which the foreign application was first filed in the foreign country. The priority claim for the United States application must be filed within six months after the filing date of the foreign application. 15 U.S.C. §§1126(d)(1) and 1141g; 37 C.F.R. §§2.34(a)(4)(i) and 7.27(c); TMEP §§1003.02 and 1904.01(e).
In an application under §44(d) of the Trademark Act, the applicant can submit a priority claim after the filing date of the United States application if: (1) the applicant submits the priority claim within the six-month priority period (37 C.F.R. §2.35(b)(5)); and (2) the applicant was entitled to priority on the filing date of the United States application. If the priority claim is submitted after the examining attorney has conducted a search of USPTO records for conflicting marks, he or she must conduct a new search.
In an application under §66(a) of the Act, the priority claim must be set forth in the international application or subsequent designation filed with the IB. The priority claim will be part of the request for extension of protection sent to the USPTO by the IB. See TMEP §1904.01(e).